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My Research

My research primarily explores the economic applications of mobility data, employing a comprehensive approach that involves various methodologies such as econometric analysis, empirical IO, and machine learning. This multifaceted approach is applied to address significant questions in the realms of environmental and food fields.  

Food Access Disparity

grasping nutritional health disparities and refining the precision of food aid targeting;

Bringing the Neighborhood Farm to the Table: Did Farmers’ Markets Reduce Food Access Disparity? (Job Market Paper)
with Cristina Connolly and Sandro Steinbach
Neighborhood disparities in food outlet access pose a significant concern for the US food system. Numerous attempts have been made in the past to address this concern, including farmer's markets. Farmers' markets offer potential benefits by providing direct access to fresh, locally sourced produce, however, the overall effectiveness of farmers’ markets in fully mitigating these disparities remains. Here, leveraging the cellphone mobility data on farmers' market visits nationwide, we quantify the extent of travel behavior to farmers' markets from 2019-2022. We link cell phone users with the socio-economic and food access characteristics of their residential areas to assess disparities in accessability and utilization of farmers’ markets across different communities. We note that low-access communities are less likely to visit farmer’s markets, travel longer distance, and experience elevated levels of income isolation, relative to their counterparts. To identify strategies that could improve market utilization, we developed a discrete choice model to analyze consumer preferences concerning farmers' market characteristics and to identify optimal locations for new farmers' markets in communities with limited access. Our results provide valuable insights for policy strategies designed to enhance food security in low food access communities.
The application of human mobility data in applied economic research holds considerable potential for deepening insights into diverse economic phenomena. This paper explores the motivations and methodologies driving the use of mobility data in economics. We begin by examining the motivations behind integrating this data source, highlighting its capacity to enhance the granularity and accuracy of economic models and theories. We continue with a comprehensive review of existing research utilizing mobility data that details its impact on understanding travel patterns, social interactions, health implications, and employment dynamics. Challenges inherent in leveraging this data, such as measurement errors, sampling biases, and data privacy concerns, are critically analyzed. The paper concludes by identifying future research opportunities that could leverage advanced computational techniques and interdisciplinary approaches to maximize the utility of mobility data in economic analyses, suggesting a robust framework for advancing our understanding of various economic phenomena.

Human Mobility

developing economic methodologies for mobility data applications;

Environmental (Dis)amenities

understanding individual behavior and preferences regarding environmental amenities and climate hazards;

Outdoor recreation plays a pivotal role in improving people’s physical and mental health, serving as a popular form of entertainment and a significant economic contributor. Limited access to these resources not only exacerbates health disparities but also deprives underserved areas of essential benefits like stress relief and community bonding, both of which are crucial for enhancing overall quality of life. This paper provides one of the first detailed analyses of water-based recreation at over 61,000 inland and coastal sites across the United States. We aim to explore disparities in recreational behavior across race, ethnicity, income, and socioeconomic status. Using Advan cellphone data from more than 70 million outdoor trips, representing 215,000 census block groups, we find that communities of color, rural areas, and socioeconomically disadvantaged groups are significantly underrepresented in water-based recreational visits. Despite living similar distances from recreational sites, these groups show notably different patterns in travel distance for water-based recreation. Additionally, we find Native Americans from underserved areas have to travel 3-5 times longer distances than other groups for water-based recreation. Our findings show that the extensive and frequent cellphone mobility data could reveal policy-relevant patterns especially those made by underserved Americans often overlooked in traditional household surveys.
While a theoretically consistent cost of floods is a welfare loss from the event, existing estimates are primarily based on asset losses due to measurement challenges. In this paper, we leverage variations in the occurrence of High-tide flooding (HTF), highly disruptive, yet rarely destructive small-scale coastal floods, to estimate the economic cost of floods. Our analysis reveals that on the day of HTF, the average number of visitors per point of interest reduces by 5%, suggesting significant disruptions in daily lives. Further, we show that exposure to one additional day of HTF in the past 12 months reduces rental rates by 0.25% or $51. Using this parameter, we show that a lower bound economic cost of Presidential Disaster Declaration floods is $4 billion per year, suggesting that asset losses alone may substantially underestimate the true cost of floods.
Analyses of policies that improve water quality often suggest that the costs far exceed the benefits. Keiser and Shapiro (2019a) suggests that this partially arises from the difficulty of accurately measuring the benefits. Measuring these benefits is often complicated by the lack of data on visitations. In this paper, we study the value of recreation amenities nationwide using data from mobile devices about aggregate visitor counts and dwell time at each water recreation site by home census block group. We combine the mobile movement data with data on water quality and weather to construct a comprehensive, novel, and detailed dataset of around 32k water-based recreational sites with linkage to recreation visits made by 23 million representative residents. Using these data, we construct aggregate share data of recreation visits from each census block group to each site. We develop a random coefficient logit model of site choice to estimate the welfare effects of water quality improvements in the US. Our results suggest recreators are willing to pay an average of $2.55 for a 1-meter increase in Secchi depth in the sites they visited, ranging from $1.3 to $2.2 across census regions. Our work suggests that the benefits of improving the water quality of all sites to the level of the cleanest site are $433.26 million. The annual welfare losses due to the most popular and polluted site closure are $2.7 billion and $878.37 million, respectively. Revisiting the water quality changes from 1972 to 2001, Our findings add 1.7% to the previously estimated benefits gained from the Clean Water Act.
When Nature Turns Hazy: How Wildfire Smoke Affects Outdoor Recreation
With Wendong Zhang and Yau-Huo (Jimmy) Shr
Leveraging the Safegraph cellphone foot traffic data on recreational visits to 130k sites nationwide, we quantify the extent of avoidance behavior in outdoor recreation in response to wildfire smokes from 2018-2019. By exploring the year-over-year variation in smoke exposure and compare the visits with smoke days to visits without smoke days, our results show that wildfire smoke exposure is negatively associated with recreational visits and dwell times: a one standard deviation increase in weekly smoke exposure results in a 5.52% decrease in weekly visits and total dwell times. We also show that visibility reduction and public information about smoke are the underlying mechanisms of the smoke-recreation relationship. A stronger impact of wildfire smoke on recreational visits is noticeable during the early morning and late night, while there is minimal evidence of spatial substitution. Finally, a back-of-envelope calculation suggests recreational costs arising from the recent wildfire incidents in 2018-2019 are approximately 3.4 billion (in 2018 currency), which emphasizes the importance of considering social costs incurred in distant locations when formulating strategies for disaster mitigation and response.


Beyond Mobility Data

In addition to utilizing cell phone data, my research also utilizes large datasets from sources like retail scanners, housing transactions, and customs data to evaluate policy effectiveness and derive behavioral insights crucial for environmental and food policy making.
Political and economic tensions, which often jeopardize trade, are rising among the world’s major powers, and countries like China are more frequently using food-related trade actions to deal with deteriorating political relations. Using an event study approach, this paper investigates how importers respond to lasting political tensions by examining China’s seafood importers’ responses to the six-year Norway-China political tensions after Norway awarded Liu Xiaobo, a Chinese political dissident, a Nobel Peace Prize in 2010. Our results reveal firm-level responses at both the intensive and extensive margins. At the intensive margin, firms that imported Norwegian fresh salmon before the sanction saw a 20% persistent decline in their fresh salmon import value and an 80% decrease in the import share of Norwegian fresh salmon products over our study period. At the extensive margin, we find a trade diversion effect that firms imported fresh salmon from Norway to other countries and regions, but also a consistent "political hedging" effect three years after sanction with a 20% decline in the maximum import share from any particular country or region, even if not Norway.
Shrinkflation, Unit Price Disclosure, and Consumer Welfare: Evidence from Canned Tuna
With Katherine Harris-Lagoudakis and John Crespi
Shrinkflation has become a favored strategy among food manufacturers to subtly raise the unit price due to increasing production costs. However, the effectiveness of policies aimed at alerting consumers to these covert price hikes per unit remains underexplored. Leveraging the variations in unit price disclosure regulations across different states, this paper studies the reduction in tuna can sizes stemming from a collusive effort among the major tuna producers and estimates the impact of price per unit disclosure regulations on consumer welfare. By developing and estimating a logit model for the demand and size selection of canned tuna, our findings reveal that consumers in states with unit price disclosure regulations are more responsive to unit price changes compared to those in states without such regulations. Our analysis suggests that implementing unit price disclosure regulations on canned tuna could enhance consumer welfare by approximately $7.64 to $13.59 million dollars annually.
Planes Overhead: How Airplane Noise Impacts Your Home’s Value
With Florian Allroggen, R. John Hansman, Christopher R. Knittel, Jing Li, and Juju Wang
Air transport has facilitated faster city connections and spurred economic growth, while also generating significant environmental externality through airport noise pollution causing disruptions in surrounding communities. In this paper, we investigate the impact of this externality on housing market around three US airports using a quasi-experimental approach. Specifically, we use flight tracks and housing transaction data from 2011 and 2016 to estimate the impact of airplane noise from a change in the flight navigation policy and runway operations. Our results indicate that for every additional decible increase in the annual average day-night average sound level (DNL), there is a corresponding decrease in sales prices of around 0.6-1.0 percent. We investigate different noise metrics and discover that DNL emerges as the most influential factor in explaining the observed decline in housing prices. Using the estimates from our reduced form, we find residents value quietness, varying significantly across different spatial contexts. We also observe considerable diversity in the economic impact of airplane noise on households living near these airports, a pattern that appears to be associated with income disparities and racial composition. Our findings underscore the importance of assessing the social costs of airplane noise externalities and developing policies to mitigate their negative impact on nearby residents.
Integrating Recreational Benefits into Hedonic Property Value Models: Evidence from Iowa
With Yongjie Ji, Wendong Zhang, and Pengfei Liu
When assessing water quality impacts, most property value hedonic models focus on local effects and ignore broader regional benefits. We integrate a two-stage model considering recreational and housing demand based on panel-household surveys and property transaction data from 2011 to 2019 in Iowa. Using an instrumental variable approach, we address endogeneity and measurement errors and characterize regional benefits based on observed lake-based water quality activities. Homeowners demonstrate a willingness to pay $398 for a 1 mg/L increase in dissolved oxygen in nearby lakes for recreational opportunities and $5,366 in housing for the same increase in local water bodies. Additional analysis suggests these capitalization effects are sensitive to alternative recreational activities, highlighting the need to identify all recreational activities to fully capture all regional recreational benefits. Our finding suggests that taking into account recreational benefits and measurement errors would increase the overall benefits of water quality improvements by around four times.


Ongoing Projects and Additional Works


Teaching, Services, and Skills

Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant: Principles of Microeconomics (ISU, 2016-2019), Economics of Discrimination (ISU, 2017-2019), Intermediate Environmental and Resource Economics (ISU, 2018), Microeconomics Analysis I (ISU, 2019)

Guest lecturer: Principles of Microeconomics (Uconn, 2024)

Teaching certificate: Transforming Your Research Into Teaching (TYRIT) (ISU, 2020)

Services and Skills

Referee: National Science Foundation (NSF – SBIR/STTR), Journal of Regional Science (JRS), Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics (CJAE), Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (JAERE), Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting Abstract (AAEA), Southern Economics Association Annual Meeting Abstract (SEA)

Campus and Department Services: Economics Graduate Student Association (President, 2018), Economics Graduate Student Seminar (Coordinator, 2018), China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research (President, 2014)

Skills: Python, Stata, Matlab, R, QGIS, SQL, Latex, Office, JavaScript 

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Ratcliffe Hicks Arena, Unit 108, Storrs, CT 06269



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@2024 – Developed by Xibo Wan

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